The Killer (2023)
A refreshing take on a (potentially) overused depiction!
21 November 2023
By now we're used to the super slick, invincible killing machine assassins of Jason Bourne, John Wick, The Equalizer etc, which constitute plenty of movies that are all kinda doing similar things with their assassin. They are, of course, really enjoyable and really well made so this is in no way a criticism on them. But it is refreshing to have a movie about an assassin that doesn't follow that formula. Michael Fassbender is an assassin (a very good one we're told) who we find in the middle of a contract that doesn't go according to plan and his target gets away. His employer then decides to tie up loose ends by having Fassbender himself killed which leads to our assassin retaliating against those that went after him. We don't go through the typical motions of setting up Fassbender's character (he isn't even named throughout the movie) or giving him an in-depth background. It feels like a personal, intimate glimpse into a moment of time in his life. It's a clinical look into the world, and what is imagined is the type of person that could do such work. Fassbender does brilliantly to portray his character as cold and calculating, emotionless about his job and yet allowing moments of misjudgment to creep in - we're perhaps seeing him at a point in his life where his facade has been shaken and some humanity is showing. This doesn't necessarily make him much less effective mind you, he just ends making it a bit more difficult for himself at times.

It's a thoroughly entertaining movie so long as you don't go in expecting John Wick. There's John Wick for that. Fassbender's assassin is focused, ruthless and efficient but not showy or elaborate. It's an almost 'realistic' depiction, as much as one can make on such a character. The movie kept me invested throughout, it's well acted throughout and well paced for the story it's telling.
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