The Twilight Zone: Spur of the Moment (1964)
Season 5, Episode 21
21 November 2023

I'll bet this eerie story was partly due to a dream, and thanks to Richard Matheson, the spinner of some weird tales from the beyond. You have to admit, it's something like a nightmare sequence and could have doubled as an episode from Alfred Hitchcock's own tv show.

Diana Hyland is terrific as a young lady named Anne Henderson, who goes horseback riding one fine day --only to meet up with a macabre version of herself from the future! An outstanding story, and one that will stay with you for awhile.

The other lady on horseback looks like a witch, dressed in black and with a screeching voice. She comes with a message of impending doom, especially since Anne wishes to wed a man who may ruin her life.

Stay tuned... it gets creepy.

Well directed by Elliott Silverstein, who headed four episodes for the series. Silverstein directed many episodes of NAKED CITY, and the classic western CAT BALLOU. Top cast, including Marsha Hunt as Mrs. Henderson and Philp Ober as Anne's father, in one of his best dramatic roles.

From SEASON 5 EPISODE 21 remastered dvd box set. 6 dvds. 2005 release.
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