Darker, more involved acting, and a story that leaves you on the edge of your chair.
19 November 2023
'The Rat Catcher' (2023) is the 3rd installment in the Wed Anderson directed Netflix "series" of Roald Dahl stories. And like the other parts its pretty narrator driven but acting and scenery both being used sparingly to add to the story. But you probably know that by now. However this short film involves more acting and expands it uses of scene environment and lighting.

Overall, so far it doesn't seem to be my favorite of the short films released (I haven't seen the fourth film, 'Poison' yet) but I still think it is good. Combining Dahl and Anderson was not something I knew I needed despite loving 'Fantastic Mr. Fox' (2009). This whole series is great.

What I love about this film is that the darker tone is brilliantly used and the narration leaves you questioning what will happen next. I do feel that this film seemed too short or at least incomplete (unless you have read the other stories from the book this short film is based on). The scenes are still relaxing but it almost feels like someone else is making a Wes Anderson film.

I think its still above average but the not best of the series.
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