An extremely long documentary of Point Pleasant and Mothman
19 November 2023
We get to see the 1777 war between settlers and Indians including Chief Cornstalk; we see it through many angles and bounce back and for the between the presenters like a Ping-Pong ball in the sound bite presentation that seems to go on forever and ever. You begin to wonder if there are ever going to get too Mothy.

Then we go through the area that is being used by the government for the manufacturer of Trinitrotoluene. We see bunkers designed to hide it from enemy aircraft over Ohio. But where is Mothy?

We see a stranger called Indrid Cold, flying saucers, a silver bridge, and finally some Mothman information tossed in as a secondary thought.

After 155 minutes it is over. We now know that they were trying to say in "The Mothman Prophecies" (2002.)
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