An absolute horrible show. Only saving grace is the villain.
18 November 2023
It started off well, but the plot is so bad that I have seen many about 10 episodes on forward waiting for the villain. He does his part quite well.

The FL is supposed to have grown up in Mongolia and plot where she investigates is so ridiculous to the point it annoys you. And how stupid can one get to not realized a big freaking watch/camera shoved in your face.

Even as a comedy serial it fails miserable. It's pathetic. Catch the scenes with the villain on YT .. especially yourKdramachingu - she has done a good job on the edits.thats the only screen time he's got , so you can probably save your self from an absolute torture.

This isnt even 10% as good as Strong Girl Bong Son. The story line itself is so terrible and senseless. So terribly disappointed. I can't blame the actors cos the plot itself expects them to act stupid.

I hope the Villian gets more roles as ML. I enjoyed his work in 21st Century. Hope to see more of him in different roles. This was a refresher alas in a dud of a Kdrama.

I would like to give this a negative star to the drama, however, 1 star is the least that I can give here.
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