The Netflix Doc is better
17 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Netflix documentary featured more disillusioned ex members and less talking head.

The "journalist" came across as an airhead herself and really downgraded the entire documentary.

She came across as the ideal candidate for the nonsense being sold and the one time she confronted Jeff totally collapsed under his bs gaslighting denials.

She's saying, I witnessed you telling people to change their sexual Identity and like all manipulative, gaslighting narcissists he denied the sky is blue and she simply looked completely incapable of saying, no, you're lying.

Who let this airhead investigate these cons?

I can't wait until these two pimps (because they're pimping people for power and profit), either turn on each other or are brought down by the IRS because as the Netflix doc mentioned briefly they conned free assistance with reducing their taxes.

Common, IRS! You brought down Al Capone so do your thing!

I watched this with mouth wide open because how anyone could believe that these two clowns know anything about anything is really beyond me.

I really don't want to make fun of the weak-minded, vulnerable, desperate, and lonely, but, really, people, use your commonsense.

Two numbskulls on the internet can't tell you who you really are, only you know that. Get therapy from a licensed practitioner with training. You can't force anyone to want or love you. And if they indicate clearly they don't, they don't.

Your desires and longings have nothing to do with anyone else. There's no magic to how you feel and there's no connection to you feeling how your do and how someone else should react or feel toward you.

That's magically thinking...

Hey! Maybe I should throw together god, JeBuS, and some crystals and new age nonsense and just tell people how to deal with reality!

Anyway, am okay documentary, but watch the Netflix version. Much, much better.
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