Servant: Fallen (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
16 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How dare they do Leanne like that. They build all this sympathy within us for her and then make _that_ her ending???? She didn't deserve it! There was reconciliation, absolvement, acceptance... the Turner family was ready to take her with them, rescue her from the storm despite the fact that she created it. She would finally have the family she so desperately needed after being abused all those years then being subjected to a cult. The love the family had COULD have overcome her rage. But no... the writers had to go and destroy her. I'm so heavy and sad after watching her burn. And then the Turners just walk away like nothing happened, to start over. What a missed opportunity to make them into a bizarrely bonded unit that couldn't get away from each other, and yet finally accepted it. I feel so robbed after investing so much emotion into poor Leanne's plight. Boo hiss!
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