Review of Aldhani

Andor: Aldhani (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
dull characters, great style
14 November 2023
I'm not doing backflips over Andor like a lot of people, but it's still worth watching, if only for the visual style. Wowza, Coruscant never looked so good.

I love just looking at the texture of things, of the fabric people wear, even just the walls. Mon Mothma's luxury condo was absolutely gorgeous. Her chauffeured limousine was wonderful.

When the corporate stooge guy was walking to Mom's apartment, there was a palpable feeling of claustrophobia and dread, even though everything looked clean and nice. Excellent use of environment to convey the story.

The texture extends to the depiction of the characters and the dialogue. This series does the best job so far of explaining why ordinary people might support the Empire, which is vital for stories set after the fall of the Empire - why didn't everyone chant Ding Dong the Witch is Dead and go back to their normal lives? Why are there Imperial remnants at all???

Ironically, the rebels are dull by comparison. I've seen this "squabbling group of toughies" routine many times before. Oh well, so the show is a mixed bag. But so's Ahsoka, with its dreadful dialogue and underbaked drama dragging down wonderful characters and interesting situations.

Man, they need to get Tony Gilory and Dave Filoni to work together. Each has what the other lacks. Together, Star Wars would truly kick butt!
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