Princess Resurrection (2007–2008)
Princess Buzz-saw And The Undying Hiro ~ Pure Dog Heaven ~ Ooga-Chaka! °7.5° °VG ° 💯%🔍
13 November 2023
'Oh, dear. I forgot that Hiro's flame of life would be depleted by now. He's probably lying dead somewhere. I know it would be inconvenient, but could you go get him?' She sips her tea... There's a good crack-the-window-and-peek-in at PR for ya.

PR has a compact, organized feel. Not expecting much, it was surprising how it drew me in. PR is casual fun with no emotional investment. Each episode is a tidy parfait of empty calories to fill downtime perfectly. It's a fantasy tale with mythical creatures and underworld overlords. Its simplicity is deceptive because there's nothing simple about crisp comedic timing. Were it that easy, more entertainment would achieve the same level of competence. A 2007 release, it's rated a stingy 6.98 on MAL and consists of 1 season of 25 24-minute English dubbed episodes. Offshoot productions are: Kaibutsu Oujo: Konsui Oujo/Princess Comatose - 1 23-minute episode, and OVA Kaibutsu Oujo - 3 22-minute episodes, neither of which are streamable currently.

Our FL, Liliane, gets alittle too carried away with a chainsaw. She's good with a pitchfork, too. Like any good princess, she's normally accompanied by the sound of a teacup clinking as it's being delicately placed on a saucer. She's quite the looker. Wildman Riza - she's out to avenge her brother. She doggedly works to that end. She's brave, strong, and loyal - and h🔥t. Kamura Reiri - though she should be natural enemies with the gang, she cannot bring herself to hate them. She looks like the Dusk Maiden of Amnesia, however, PR precedes DMOA both onscreen and in print, so perhaps PR inspired the look of our DMOA. She's super-h🔥t. Hiyorimi Sawawa is Hiro's sister, who works for Liliane. She's all chest (b👀bs and 💛), no brain. Her looks and the effect she has on men is a running bit in the show, oblivious though she is. All this h🔥tness has the guys at school h🔥t-and-bothered and wondering what Hiro has that they don't?

Hiyorimi Hiro is our ML and he develops the bad habit of dying. He's like a doll; he spends a mean 15% of the show passed out and flopped on the floor; they revive him when they need him. He also looks a bit like Kenichi (The Mightiest Disciple 7.5). Early on he and Kenichi start much the same way. They are both hapless nobodies who stumble onto the extraordinary and end up as heroes. Tenderhearted Liliane decides to bring him back to life in ep1 in order to use him as a soldier in the many fights she must suffer from her siblings as they struggle for the crown. Yes, tenderhearted - it's not like anybody would have picked Hiro out of a lineup to be their champion. I doubt he was in the top half of picks for pick-up 🏀 either. Liliane's not interested in the 👑 so she only plays defense. She is attacked on other fronts as well, so she keeps Hiro busy.

Princess Sherwood is Liliane's little sister. She's a touch bratty and she wants what her sister has (Hiro, mainly) but she is good and true. Flandre, the maid - she weighs several tons but leaves no footprints. We must assume she has a hover function. Groot wasn't the first character to just say one thing. Flandre, and all the androids for that manner, only say "hoogah". If they could just team up with Chaika The Coffin Princess, or perhaps, make an android that says "chakah" they could karaoke Blue Swede:

Ooga-Ooga Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga Ooga-Chaka Ooga-OogaOoga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga Ooga-Chaka I can't stop this feeling Deep inside of me Girl, you just don't realize What you do to me... Ahhhh, ah ah, ah ahh, Hooked on the Feeling!

Ah, the 70s: The absolute pinnacle of music. It's all been level or downhill since '76...

Speaking of music, they do a nice job with the soundtrack of PR. The music enhances the comedy - It's expert at times. The opening credit song is twangy pop guitar. It's a solid song and it complements the crisp pithy tone. The art is dark, heavy, and crude to augment the mysterious-and-scary theme. People are drawn with heavy lines, simplicity, and blocky details. PR pays tribute to late 20th century art with backgrounds that are almost modern art with their crude slashes and bold color. The art matches Liliane's personality.

The show is funny. Episode 10 is as charming as charming can get. PR may not deliver constant out loud laughter, but it does provide steady smiles. One example is when they show a shot of our ML sleeping and then cut to Riza, girl warrior, sleeping, each in their respective rooms. She's on her back, limbs sprawled, mouth open, not a care in the world. He's curled up like a timid cat. It's compact juxtaposition humor, which takes a little skill and extra effort. Shows that take lazy steps create irritations that must be tolerated by viewers, while shows that incorporate tasty details provide little mental and emotional massages. They lift burdens rather than piling on. That we should appreciate.


🎬7.5 📝7 🎭8 💓5 🦋1 🌞4 🎨7 ⚡7 🎵/🔊6.8 😅6.5 😭3 😱4 😯3 😖3 🤔2 💤0 🔚? The manga goes on...

Poli-wagging Age 13+ Language: b!+ch, @$$ and several compound variations of the word, d@mn - it's not every episode, but it's steady enough.

A mixed breed's conception is mocked. There's some occasional breast focus with mostly-bare cleav@ge once or twice. The princess is between a C/D ©up, which is the anime version of a mosquito bite. A group of immortal attackers are punished by being killed over and over again - that's horrific if one pauses to think about it. Hiro's classmates drop by to check out the women of the house (Why him? What's so special about him? How does he do it?). One fantasizes about big sis, who has big twins on her chest. Another fantasizes about Wildman Riza, the super-fit and very active woman. Another fantasizes about the princess dominating him. It's cute - they don't take it too far... except for one scene in which big sis is treating a HS boy's injuries and he gets a face-full when she leans forward. Any se×ual illusions are brief, scattered, and almost lackluster. It's not a focus.

Rated TV-PG-13

Re-📺? Neutral stance. Rewatch value would be for late at night "brainless" wind-down and not for the content alone. It's a funny show.

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