Everyone's a moron, I guess
13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry this review is so late, I didn't really know what to write. I've been laying down and now I'm ready to tear this apart. Just saying right now, PARTY FOWL IS ACTIVELY HATED BY THE FANBASE!!! WOOHOO!!!! I finally am able to post this without feeling like I'm gonna get bombarded with dislikes!

Just saying right now, the only enjoyable thing about this episode is Lola. That's it. Everything else can go die in a hole.

I don't have much to say for this episode because, like many others this season, it can be summed up in one word. The word of the day is.... annoying! This episode is really annoying because of, you guessed it, Sergio. Why did we need an entire episode focussing on him when Lola and Carl were already there for a perfectly ok plot setup? It's also really boring and made one of my friends almost go insane just watching it for the first time.

Either way, Sergio is such a jerk in this episode and got no payback for doing what he did to the pets and the louds. It's just a simple slap on the wrist, if you can even call it that, where he just becomes friends with everyone and they all live happily ever after. NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE CUPCAKES AND RAINBOWS. MY GOD. It also ends with a poop joke.

1/10. Second worst episode of the season so far.

I have even less to say about Sleepless in Royal Woods. It's a ripoff of that one episode from the live action show with a really predictable and bland ending. One thing though? Despite everyone being an idiot, the nighttime setting was really cool with the different locations such as Dairyland. I also like how Rita had some cool moments like how she kicked the robber dude.

However... the ending was what threw it off. Like I said before, it's really predictable. Mrs. Bernardo was seen on tv in the beginning of the episode with a line (that wouldn't have happened if it wasn't significant) and boom she's the "robber" Rita and Lily saw.

It's absolute insanity how flawed and predictable the writing of these modern episodes can be. I'm so sick of it.

4/10. Scores average to 2.5/10.
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