Good enough, pretty fun.
10 November 2023
I was really excited when this ended up being the Monday mystery movie. I had been looking forward to it, I didn't expect it to be great, just wanted it to be fun and it is.

It's classic Taika Waititi humor, much like Ryan Reynolds; you need to like the person to enjoy their movies because their films are simply extensions of themselves and their humor. If you're not a fan of Taika, this might not be your cup of tea.

The movie is genuinely fun and funny. Every character appears incompetent, yet many seem to have life figured out. Bad analogy, but it's akin to watching a child play something badly or a homeless man dancing in the rain, dog chasing it's tail-technically futile, but they have no worries and are having the time of their lives. There's an innocence and purity to them, and despite their shortcomings, the movie remains uplifting.

Michael Fassbender felt miscast, but considering it's based on a true story, maybe he was a perfect fit as the actual coach in real life? However, still felt the movie would've been better served if the actual team took the spotlight instead of the coach. A case where the supporting characters outshone the lead.

The 5 stages of grief bit was really funny. I kind of wish they had called "the Hollywood" the Neymar. What happened to the bleeding guy in the clinic? He was so random.

Really cool underdog story, reminiscent of sports comedies from my primary school years in the late 2000s. Like a movie Adam Sandler should've been in. While the plot is one that's been done many times, it feels refreshing touch because it's been a while since a film like this was made.

The movie emotionally kicks into high gear in the last third. The daughter's voicemails added a great emotional touch, providing depth without being too obvious until their purpose is revealed. I found myself asking "why?" a lot-pick up the phone. The movie's nothing extraordinary but it's decent.
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