Laramie: The Road to Helena (1963)
Season 4, Episode 32
10 November 2023
Let me qualify what I'm about to say: Laramie is my all-time favorite TV show. For me, the show starts with the best in TV history theme, Slim and Jess riding through the splashing water, and just gets better from there.

But let's face it. This episode just underperforms. I don't know why that is, but there's just a lack of that great dramatic tension that made Laramie so special. Not only that: no Jess, no Daisy, and no Mike...and almost no Slim. John Smith, for whatever reason, just seemed to be going through the motions and not projecting that strength of conviction that made Slim Sherman so great. This one and Men of Defiance get my vote for the two weakest Laramies ever. A shame that such a terrific show ended with this one.
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