More animation like this !!
9 November 2023
I just finished the season 1 finale, and I have to say Scavengers Reign is probably in my Top 10 All Time Favorite Shows, maybe even Top 5 !!! Where do I even BEGIN to explain how much I love this show ??

The show feels very human to me. I love the style they chose for this show, and I was afraid I wouldn't like it at first, but I ended up loving it. The world building, this advanced puzzle-like alien ecosystem they created for this show is mesmerizing. The creatures and plants are so creative and captivating to my brain. Don't get me started on how much I love the concept of what's going on with the robot Levi, i'm a big fan of the direction they went with her.

As a queer person, I also really appreciate the authentic and casual queer representation with Azi and Mia.
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