Review of Witch Trial

Charmed: Witch Trial (1999)
Season 2, Episode 1
The Dyslexic Demon
8 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Charmed, great as it is, is not known for its season openers, with only the openers in Season 1 and Season 4 really worthy of special status. That being said, the opener for Season 2 certainly starts with a shock as a demon opens a portal in the attic and steals the Book of Shadows, which was otherwise thought to be impossible. This, of course, presents a unique challenge for the sisters.

As it turns out, the demon, Abraxas, is sort of doing a reverse Leo. He is reading the book backwards, which causes the words to disappear as he goes. As spells are unwritten, the demons that were vanquished by those spells reappear. This is also a smart idea by the writers, as any viewer who might have missed Season 1, or for people who simply needed a reminder, adversaries overcome in Season 1 are brought back to be dealt with once again. Unfortunately, this doesn't amount to a lot of difficulty as the sisters just remember the original spells and vanquish them all over again. The real threat is the race to get to Abraxas before he gets to the front of the book and unwrites the entire thing.

For this, the sisters get some direct help from Grams along with some smart thinking by Phoebe. In the end, they catch Abraxas just as he's reading the first page, and vanquish him with a Power of 3 spell.

This episode also does a good job of continuing from the end of Season 1, as Prue struggles with the death of Andy, even losing her powers for awhile. Great acting by Shannen here and some excellent dialog with Morris.

This episode also sets up some plotlines for the remainder of the season as it introduces a new next door neighbor Dan and his niece who won't be around long. It also introduces what will become P3s, the club that Piper owns.

And with that, we are off and running.
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