Ratham (2023)
A thought-provoking film showcasing decent direction.
6 November 2023
The movie tells a unique story about how people can be tricked into doing terrible things because of false beliefs in religion, community, or celebrities. It shows how others manipulate them, making them do harmful things, all while hiding the real reasons behind their actions.

The movie takes its time to tell the story, letting you really understand the characters and the plot. Some might find it slow, but it keeps you interested and builds suspense.

The director did a great job guiding the actors, making their performances really believable. However, the music in the movie doesn't match the intense moments very well, which is a bit disappointing.

The movie is thrilling and keeps you guessing. It explores the idea of how people can be easily deceived and forced into bad situations. It makes you think about how this happens in real life too, where people are manipulated because of their beliefs.

In the end, the movie is a gripping exploration of human behavior and deception, even though the music could be better. It makes you reflect on how easily people can be misled and serves as a reminder of the dangers of blind faith.
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