The Mysterious Doctor
6 November 2023
A traveling doctor finds himself in the spooky English village of Morgan's Head; its foreboding name comes from the headless spirit that haunts the area. According to legend, the unfriendly apparition is the ghost of town founder Black Morgan, who doesn't want residents to reopen the local tin mine. While this explanation satisfies some, local girl Letty (Eleanor Parker) suspects there's something more devious going on -- especially when a strange murder turns the villagers into a raving mob.

Swirling fog is used to great effect in this crime/horror b-thriller- it's a compact and atmospheric film that has some decent suspense and a sympathetic view of a man with a mental condition, though the boyfriend of Eleanor Parker's character was lacking detective brains when latching on to this man as the killer. But maybe the boyfriend wasn't so stupid in the end and was fooling the real killer. Wish there were more suspects as I guessed who the "headless" ghost was. Still, a pleasant viewing to see with the lights off. Eleanor Parker makes a gutsy heroine.
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