If your not a fan of video game don't waste your time.
3 November 2023
Let me preface by saying I'm a fan of the horror genre, and have been watching "Scary " movies for over 45 years.

My 26 yr old daughter and I have been going to watch Horror movies since she was 14. When we went to see the New Exorcist we saw the trailer for Five Nights at Freddie's.

I was immediately psyched. Her and I were like a Demonic Chuck e Cheese from Blumhouse. We we're extremely disappointed. If it was worse perhaps it could've been funny.

I gave it a 4 purely for the Animatronic characters and premise. Otherwise the script was horrible. Some reviewers claim the rating of PG - 13 doomed the movie. More blood and gore would've saved it. Wrong a better script would've.

2 better PG-13 movies this year we're Megan and the Conjuring. Better storytelling. In fact let's talk about what is scary? Not jump scares that's a cheap trick perhaps used once or twice. Suspense, the Unknown, tension these elements cause fear.

For the younger or less knowledgeable fans of the genre watch "Night of the Living Dead", " Alien", even "Signs". Great scripts and stories and low on gore and violence all SCARY.
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