Queen of the South (2016–2021)
Entertaining if a bit of a soapy
1 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I binged all five seasons over a couple of weeks. The recipe of everything gets sorted, then goes out of control, big shoot out, then sorted again, is tiresome after awhile. A cartel leader with a big heart is also something of a fantasy and the ending, though it's what we all wanted, is just too cheesy to be believable. Still it's an entertaining ride and you do care for the characters and hope they pull through.

If you want to watch the 'real' cartel story then the SICARIO franchise is much closer to fact. Hopefully a third film is on the drawing board.

On another note, the bad guys shoot as badly as Stormtroopers in STAR WARS. How the good guys manage to get away ever time using only handguns when confronted with multiple machine guns firing at them beggars belief!
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