The Twilight Zone: The Invaders (1961)
Season 2, Episode 15
One of the worst TZ episodes
30 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously do not understand the high praise for this episode. It doesn't deserve it. Moorehead's over the top 'acting' is horrible and incredibly annoying. I was rooting for a different outcome instead of what actually happened. Sure the set and lighting are interesting and some of the sounds from the 'invaders' are cool (heard a dot matrix printer at one point) but that's it. At one point an off-screen crew member tosses an invader onto Agnes as if the invader somehow climbed up the wall and leapt down like a WWE wrestler. Like a lot of cinematic dolls these invaders have limited to zero mobility when being watched but are agile acrobats when not. Anyway, skip it, or at least keep the ffwd button handy for Moorehead's nonsense.
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