Review of The Plan

The Plan (I) (2017)
If "The Plan" was to...
29 October 2023
If "The Plan" was to produce and distribute a film that was unintentionally, hilariously bad, then the people responsible for this movie have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. The performances, script, and dialogue were amateurish and comedic, at best. I kept waiting for Dan Ackroyd and Steve Martin to amble in and reprise their roles as the wild and crazy Festrunk Brothers from the 1970s Saturday Night Live skits. The "actor" playing the part of "John" in this movie was almost hysterically over-the-top, chewing the scenery with the aplomb of a woodchipper run amok.

I won't go into the plot, or any specific spoilers, because the chances are you aren't going to hang around and watch this movie through to the end i didn't.
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