Leave It to Beaver: Beaver's Library Book (1960)
Season 3, Episode 18
29 October 2023
It's episodes like this that made Eddie Haskell a household name, a relatable character, reminding you of someone you know -- or don't want to know, ya know?

Beave loses a library book, or at least he thinks he has, and the walls come tumbling down. Eddie naturally is the bringer of bad news with horrible consequences. As he tells the tale, the "library police" will soon be knocking at the door to arrest Mr. Cleaver if he does not pay the hefty fine. What a mess!

A lot of us have been in Beaver's shoes, and when you're a kid things MOST DO get lost with amazing frequency. The worst thing, though, is to lose a library book because there are penalities and they will call your mom and dad. OMG.

Yes, I agree with the last reviewer that the writers of SEINFELD probably remembered this famous episode with a story of their own, all about library police. It was hilarious, and a story that never gets old as libraries still charge for late and lost books, and why they want your credit card info. Charge it!

In the spot the veteran actor department. Theodore Newton plays the head librarian, Mr. Davenport. Newton was a familiar face on Alfred Hitchcock's tv show (for all of us mystery buffs) and appeared in scores of movies, first for Warner Brothers in the 30s.

Still fun after all these years. SEASON 3 EPISODE 18 remastered dvd box set.
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