The most unsympathetic characters ever put on film
25 October 2023
The protagonists of this story take one bad decision after another, even in the midst of suffering the consequences of the latest bad decision. It is like they are purposely trying to get into trouble inside the trouble they just caused.

Suffering the consequences of being drunk? Have one more drink! Getting unwanted attention from a male? Flirt a little more! Things are escalating to violence? Grab an axe and start swinging it.

The owner and administrator of the bar left, you are alone without help or protection? Open the bar for business as if nothing has happened!

I know movies have to bend a bit of common sense to make things happen, but these characters are beyond idiotic. And it seems like the movie is trying to portray them as actual victims of their own lack of judgement.

Super boring, nothing happens for the first hour, and the last 20 minutes are complete nonsense. And I don't know who catalogued this as a thriller, but it is not. At all.

A movie to avoid like the plague.
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