The Simpsons: Bart Gets an F (1990)
Season 2, Episode 1
That's why the first three seasons of The Simpsons were the best.
24 October 2023
The early Simpsons are undoubtedly the best phase of the show. They had relatable dramatic and therapeutic storylines for the viewer.

Iconic is the way the music unfolds in the scene where Homer, as unruly as ever, disregards the words of the school psychologist. Almost imbued with tension, the score masterfully harmonizes the shadows that lie in Homer's genetic roots, thus conveying its undeniable murkiness.

I, being from Spain, learned about the origins of the USA thanks to this episode and The Simpsons in general, and I find it very interesting.

Lastly, when I was in high school, the religious studies teacher showed us this episode because it mentions God, and is relatable to the student who, in the face of desperation and frustration from striving for good grades in school, ends up seeking divine help and intervention.

It is an example that the early Simpsons had a therapeutic function and sociological interest that was later lost.
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