The Fury of a Peplum Star: Brad HARRIS as Hercules
22 October 2023
Sandals film (1962) with Brad Harris - this time as Hercules

The German versions with their confusing titles are a chapter in themselves. Peplum star Brad Harris (1933-2017) and his films were particularly affected by the arbitrariness of German dubbing. In this film SAMSON, BEFREIER DER VERSKLAVTEN , called "La furia di Ercole" in the original and "The Fury of Hercules" in the American version, he is finally really the ancient demigod. The Italian-French co-production, staged as effectively as usual by his resident director Gianfranco Parolini, was shot in Zagreb and was released in West German cinemas on January 11, 1963. The cast is largely the same as its predecessor, "Sansone / Herkules im Netz der Cleopatra / Hercules in Cleopatra's Net" (1961), in which muscle man Brad Harris actually played Samson. But let's leave it alone!

This time it's about the kingdom of Nisia, which, after the king's death, is unlawfully ruled by the cruel ex-advisor Menisto (Serge Gainsbourg, who would later have some world hits as a chansonnier in a duet with Brigitte Bardot and his wife Jane Birkin). King's daughter Cnidia (Mara Berni) is completely under control. Since the people suffer a lot from this, there are repeated uprisings. Hercules/Samson (Brad Harris), who has now fallen in love with the servant Daria (Luisella Boni), takes the side of the people and helps the insurgents (including Sergio Ciani, who would soon play leading roles in his own sandal films as a muscle man). To overcome tyranny.

In terms of content, not much different happens than in the previous film. Serge Gainsbourg is once again particularly impressive as the villain, who clearly had fun with these roles. The child actor is again Gianfranco Gasparri, who as Franco Gasparri would later become the star of some Poliziotteschi. In another supporting role is the German actress Elke Arendt, who was born in 1939 and became known for the film "Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge / Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (1955). In her further career she was also engaged at the Staatstheater Kassel. Until his death three months ago, Elke Arendt was married to Stephan Orlac (1931-2020), who was best known alongside Maria Sebaldt in the ZDF hit series "Die Wicherts von nebenan / The Wicherts from Next Door" (1986-1991).

Worth it for fans of the Peplum genre and Brad Harris!

RIP Stephan Orlac (1931-2020)
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