10 stars for the acting and 1 for everything else
22 October 2023
I think it's worth seeing for the acting. Viola is incredible.

The rest of it....look, days of thunder is not actually what driving a race car is like. The Last Samurai was also made up. So why should this be any different???

For me, I sure wish it had been.

It was like a marvel movie!

It could have been so much more. Historically it's nonsense. The King actually had zero desire to end slave trading. In fact he didn't end it and in Fact even after his reign his people sold more slaves than ever. And in Fact those palm plantations sold in this made up version as 100% organic free range ethical...also used slaves. But I guess Hollywood thinks people want good guys and bad Guys and anti-slavers and pro slavers. It's just dumb. I don't know. Maybe people are that dumb.

Also there was no actual person of the character that Viola played. Made up. That's fine I suppose but I highly doubt at this time period a violent tribe had any qualms about enslaving other tribes, female or no. The slave trade ended from Africa to Europeans because it ended in Europe.

(And then the French wiped out the dehomey. That's why In west Africa they speak French.)

Whatever. But when I'm watching the movie and a West African king starts saying politically now diatribe I'm taken out of the movie. The Brazilian who came to buy slaves was also so much more interesting in real life. He traded Africans and lived in Africa, had African wives and followed dehomey customs! Fascinating. The move version character was as flat as I was when I was 9. Why do people have this obsession with cleaning up human history?? It's actually so much more layered and complex And messy AND INTERESTING Than Hollywood will allow. So childish and lacks Artistic integrity, it's cowardly and well, lame.

I'm weary of overly polished action flicks. I hate being treated like I have the intellect of an 8 yr old. Im all grown up and think truth is much more interesting than this kind of fiction. Huge Hollywood studios are terribly scared. I would be too if I forked out 200 million dollars, but I'd rather have some integrity and entertain while elevating Life with understanding of humans true history. Or I'd rather just give 200 million to end the current ivory trade and feed Kids.

But viola is fabulous!!!
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