Review of The Mechanic

Batman: The Animated Series: The Mechanic (1993)
Season 1, Episode 48
Kinda boring
20 October 2023
I'm currently watching the series in production order so idk if this changes later on. But the Penguin is easily the worst recurring villain on the show, in my opinion at least.

Each time an episode is about him I know it's going be be a fairly meh experience for the next 22 minutes. While not every Penguin episode is a necessarily a dud, this one is. The stuff with Earl was really the only redeeming factor of the episode. If it wasn't for that this episode would probably be my least favorite so far. With the worst one easily being the Home Alone inspired episode where Penguin gets defeated by kids.

Should you skip this episode? It depends. If you're really into either cars, The Penquin, or both then I think you'll at least get something out of this episode. If you don't care about neither and aren't a completionist then I'd just recommend to skip it. It's not awful by any means, but it's just not that interesting. Especially compared to the amazing episodes of this show that come before it and presumably after it.

5 or 5.5/10.
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