King Arthur: Knight's Tale (2022 Video Game)
Boring turn based isometric Soulslike experience
20 October 2023
Mordred is the hero of the Knight's Tale. The hero managed to kill King Arthur, but suffered a fatal blow himself. The Lady of the Lake brought the monarch to the mystical Avalon, not expecting that his suffering would change him beyond recognition. The king then led a dark army that turned Avalon into a land of nightmares. The Lady of the Lake has no choice but to bring Mordred back to life and give him the task of stopping Arthur once and for all. The fate of both the protagonist and all of Avalon depends on the decisions we make during the game.

In King Arthur: Knight's Tale, the battle is shown from an isometric view. The game's story-advancing quests and numerous side quests that we choose from the vast world map. These quests take us to various locations such as dense forests, steppes or dark tunnels. While traveling through them, we often have to fight our enemies; there are more than fifty normal enemies as well as ten much more powerful bosses. Battles with them take place in a turn-based mode, and during these battles we have to act tactically, placing members of our team appropriately and skillfully balancing their abilities.

As you progress, Mordred is joined by other heroes, there are more than thirty of them, each with different characteristics. Interestingly, we can both recruit them for our own missions and give them separate tasks. We have to be careful here, because their death on the battlefield is permanent and the treatment of their wounds is an extremely time-consuming process. In addition, the fighters often come into conflict with each other and closely monitor our movements, so if we cross them, they can leave our team and even turn against us.

In addition, as we play, we have to develop Camelot Castle, our command center, and the structures built in it give us access to various improvements. In addition to this, we often make decisions of great importance. It's up to us to decide whether to help people or rule with a firm hand, ignoring their needs. After completing the main storyline, we can participate in special missions to test our skills. These various missions include battles with powerful bosses. In exchange for their completion we have access to valuable rewards. The game offers an average of 50 hours of gameplay.

The biggest problem with the game is that the gameplay is very difficult and very long, which makes it very repetitive and boring. I tried so hard but I couldn't finish the game.. There's not enough character development. Because we can't get enough levels and strengthen characters with new items, which makes it impossible to deal with the obstacles the game throws my way. After a certain point, unfortunately, I lost the will to continue. In short, I couldn't find what I was looking for in this game and it wasn't for me.
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