The greatest (not best, but greatest....since greatest is above and beyond even best) season and my favorite season of Power Rangers of all time ever
18 October 2023
I can only express it this way: this series was, is, and will always be the greatest season of Power Rangers of all time ever, and my favorite season of Power Rangers of all time ever.

*"It was perfect. Perfect. Everything down to the last, minute detail. That's why it's THE GOAT, baby!!!! THE GOAT!!!!"*

Thank you for those short clips, YouTube. They perfectly embody and represent the masterpiece that is Power Rangers: Time Force.

Power Rangers: Time Force was, is, and will always be a masterpiece, perfect, and THE GOAT!!!!

I wish we got Season Two and the movie, because I wanted more Power Rangers: Time Force. And more Wes and Jen: my OTP Power Rangers couple.
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