What was the point?
17 October 2023

This movie is highly rated on this site, but I can't figure out why. To be fair, the acting, pacing, effects, and music all work; however, by the end of the movie, I asked myself, what was the point? As far as I could tell, the protagonist was no different after the events of the movie--he didn't seem to have learned any lessons nor had he faced any justice for his actions, even as everyone involved with his experiments meets a bad end. The confrontation between the protagonist and the antagonist was anti-climatic, and because the antagonist's motivations were never made clear, it was also seemingly unnecessary. One of the characters, an actress, makes no obvious contribution to the film. In sum, I simply can't find a point to this movie. Had this been an exploitation flick, with gore, sex, and nudity, I could understand other elements lacking. Unfortunately, by horror movie standards, there was relatively little blood, and no sex or nudity to speak of. So what we're left with is a plot that goes nowhere, making the slow pacing frustrating. I wanted to like this movie but I can't recommend it.

1-3 Don't bother 4-6 Good 7-9 Great 10 Outstanding.
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