Dawson's Creek: ...Must Come to an End (2003)
Season 6, Episode 24
Unnecessary finale
16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As others have mentioned, the episode prior to the two-part finale should have been where they called it quits. This finale felt so contrived and was so underwhelming I put off watching the second part for days. There were really too many details missing to jump ahead five years, and the wrapping up of all of these characters felt forced and messy, with Joey doing the Joey thing and finally winding up with Pacey after years of seemingly happily cohabitating with other guys, Dawson having his career blossom so neatly and perfectly even though we all know that would be impossible, Jack and Doug suddenly being an item (albeit the usual highly awkward item that was this show's hallmark), and the way they decided to practically murder Jen in the end. I also will never understand why they never developed that little plot with Jen's half-sister. Like, did their mother find her and drown her or something? I'm glad for this angst-ridden drama to be over, but I'm disappointed they dragged out the finale the way they did.
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