Redundant and unnecessary but nowhere near as bad as you would think
15 October 2023
Let's be honest The Exorcist is not a franchise that cried out for a reboot.

The original is a horror masterpiece that always delivers the chills every time you watch it.

And there have been several different iterations of the story ever since following up the original 73 film.

Well here we are 50 years later and when I found out that David Gordon Green was directing (he actually did a good job with the 2018 Halloween but the following sequels went downhill) especially with how horrible Halloween Ends was and a 22% on Rotten Tomatoes I thought this would be a disaster of epic proportions.

Yet to my surprise it wasn't anywhere near that bad. I'm still not recommending it mind you, you have seen it all done before and better at that but I wasnt necessarily bored either which I expected to be.

Ellen Burstyn's return as Chris MacNeil elevated this predictable and contrived film and made it average if nothing else.

Don't race to the theater because I don't think it's worth seeing on the big screen. My advice is stay home and stream the original and if you are a die hard Exorcist fan wait for this one to come to streaming and hit it up then.

It's an unnecessary rebooted sequel to be sure but with this director's track record as well as that of reboots in general this could have been better but also much much worse.
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