Here's Lucy: Lucy, the Sheriff (1974)
Season 6, Episode 18
One of Season 6's Worst
15 October 2023
This is the kind of lame episode one would expect back in the first couple of seasons, but it seems odd coming so late in the series, when most of the scripts had started becoming more realistic and less cartoonish.

Lucy is invited to her great-grandmother's hometown to commemorate a special anniversary because the grandmother was the first female sheriff (highly unlikely back in 1874!). Lucy is made honorary sheriff for a week. During a staged re-enactment of the town's most notorious bank robbery, two prisoners break out of the jail (thanks to a twist on the old file-in-a-cake gag), rob the bank for real and take Lucy hostage.

You know there's a problem when the biggest applause goes to the three stunt men who demonstrate some slick acrobatic moves after being "shot". Lucy ends up being tied to a chair (like she was in the Mannix episode) in a remote cabin (like she was in the Elsa Lanchester episode).

Mary Wickes plays a miserable old biddy dressed in Little House on The Prairie garb.

A weak episode in a final season that was otherwise surprisingly strong.
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