Review of 15 Cameras

15 Cameras (2023)
"Hey PARANORMAL ACTIVITY, hold my beer...""
15 October 2023
The textbook plot and editing construction ratchets up the movie's suspense so effortlessly and enjoyably that you forget you are essentially watching five people in a single location for 90 minutes. Playful, disturbing, and hard-hitting in its indictment against the guilty pleasures of binge watching, 15 CAMERAS is a must see that elevates the tropes of found footage with more dense narrative and thematic sophistication. The audience knows wholeheartedly that the main character, Cam (wink!), is doing horrible things, and yet we still don't want him to get caught. Alfred Hitchcock would applaud that level of audience manipulation. Plus, no spoilers, but the shocking ending really gives you an eyeful. Check this one out for Halloween or any other spooky midnight movie screening, and you won't regret it.
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