14 October 2023
Let me begin this REVIEW with a bit of a Disclaimer: Human evolution and development has been one of my HOT-BUTTON TOPICS since I was a kid in the 50's!

What really impressed and intrigued me most about CAVE OF BONES was that rather than being laser focused on any of our direct human ancestors... BONES instead looks at a human cousin from 2 million years ago... a species categorized in the HOMO genus.(We are, of course, HOMO SAPIENS) but honestly, I don't recall ever hearing about any other species categorized in the HOMO genus!) However, as is the case with the vast majority of our genetic cousins... Here is yet another species that ended up in the dust heap of history! Just ONE MORE EXAMPLE of history's innumerable hominid evolutionary DEAD ENDS!

The particular ancient hominid presented here was apparently capable of a myriad of thoughts and activities that previously were attributed exclusively to Humans! By analyzing the precise layout of the labyrinth of caves where paleontologists discovered these remains... They were able to deduce many notably interesting things about these ancient close relatives!

First and foremost, that the only logical conclusion that can be reached is that these much smaller brained hominids believed in an afterlife and engaged in a long list of highly organized rituals in relation to these beiefs and their treatment of the remains of their dead clan members for burial!

In addition, evidence of burned out campfires were clearly obvious... and owing to the pitch blackness of some of the undergound passages, it was clearly evident that these creatures had mastered the use of FIRE! These recently discoveries also prove that HUMANS are not the ONLY species in the history of our planet who believed in and conducted rituals related to an afterlife.

Yesterday, I checked to see exactly what percentage of genetic material we share with CHIMPS... 98.7% was the answer! Of course, there is no way of doing a laboratory DNA comparison in 2023 with the hominids presented in this documentary, but if that DNA test WERE possible, I would bet that the result would be in the neighborhood of 99.5%!

Many of my favorite films invite You to ask Yourself... "Exactly what is it that makes us HUMAN???" BONES most certainly does make You ask Yourself that very question... And in a way that is quite fresh and unanticipated! Whenever I decide to POST a REVIEW of a film... I always watch it twice! BONES was so intricate and thought provoking, I have already watched it 3 times! Of course, I would not expect many of You would want to do the same... But I am SURE a second viewing will surprise You as to how much more you gleen from this most unusual Documentary!

Even if human evolution is not one of your preferred focus subjects... If You DO like "DIFFERENT", most certainly You will appreciate this NETFLIX Documentary immensely!

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