Ending Is Not What You Think
12 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ah Those Final Years Hollywood was Sometimes Creative.

Remember the scene when the hero was "Haloed"?

Everything after that was just his Halo-induced hallucinations. The overly-neat "happy" ending... It wasn't real.

Indeed, so many implausible things happened in this film. Like rescuing the PreCog girl down a giant plug hole! Conveniently escaping in a surveillance-intensive world in a literally brand new car. Crashing through a window from a plummetting car... (Wouldn't he just bounce off?)... And so on... At least most of the stuff, if not all of it, could have been a "Halo" hallucination too. Because it was implausible, to say the least.

Someone said a Hitchcock collaborator worked on the film, and the suspense was certainly Hitchcockian!
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