Loki: Ouroboros (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
Low-energy exposition dump
11 October 2023
I watched the first season of Loki with some enjoyment, even though I felt like it not only ruined Loki as a character (he's not supposed to be a nice, fun guy, ok?), but also ruined literally all the stakes in the entire MCU (if the infinity stones are paperweights to the TVA, why should I ever care what happens?). I was curious to find out what they'd do in Season 2.

I guess the answer to that is "mumble techno-babble exposition at you for 40 minutes". Wow, this episode was a SLOG. Not only is the dialogue actively calling you an idiot by spelling out literally everything that happens; it's also sound-mixed in a way that makes it come across as muffled and low-energy, especially when layered over the too-soft music and barely-there background foley. Weird. Secondly, Tom Hiddleston is just trying too hard. Every pose, every movement, every sentence comes across so forced and "look at me, mom, I'm acting!", I couldn't get immersed. Owen Wilson doesn't fare much better. The guy from Everything Everywhere is great, but he just kept reminding me that that movie is SO MUCH BETTER than the current MCU's multiverse of stupidity.

And the plot? I dunno. Even though this season only contains 6 episodes, this first episode is SLOOOOOOW and contains very little content. I was actually surprised when the credits came up, because I literally did not know what I was supposed to take away from this.

Not a good start to the continuation of an already shaky foundation.
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