I watched it twice, just to see if it was as bad as I judged the first time.
8 October 2023
That's how much I love Shark movies, and how much I want to give them a chance. But it was so supremely difficult to find anything to enjoy from either experience... I enjoy Mexican music, so props to La Santa Grifa for making it on this OST. The effects were also not the absolute worst. So, was this as bad as I thought the first time? Yes. Yes, it was.

The story is every shark story. There is a big shark. Some people might live. Some people might die. What was wildly unexpected in this movie was the massive amount of family drama, relationship melodrama, and weird domestic fighting that brought absolutely nothing to the story, and was painfully cringy to sit through. It felt like being at a bbq and actually being in the room when a couple starts fighting. All you want is to finish your beer and free burger and enjoy some sun, and this weird unnecessary garbage starts to unfold, for no reason.

That said, people giving this 0 stars have clearly never seen Jurassic Shark, or Shark Exorcist; both which are movies that made me feel like the actors were in genuine jeopardy during filming (by the directors and crew, not any sharks.) The production values alone for this movie is at least 2-3 stars. But them, you also have to factor in 2 kids high-fiving after talking about their dad knocking up their mom. So there you have it. Garbage, but in a shiny, probably somewhat expensive package. Oh, and the little boy is a demon whisperer. Why was that in there?

3 stars is fair and generous. Maybe watch it on mute. The shark doesn't look the worst.
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