What an atrocious show
8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Buried in the snow.

I stumbled upon this show after missing the beginning and at the 30 minute mark it was feeling rather repetitive with 2 separate murders from 1982. Immediately of course they focus on the ex-husband and he is cooperative and he agrees to take a polygraph. And shockingly he passes.

Then the clueless cops still focus on him, reminding the viewers that a polygraph is not allowed in court as they can give misleading results, and he's still the #1 suspect. This goes on until it's getting close to the hour mark and there still hasn't been any headway. Lots and lots of repetition statements, photographs and such.

Then it goes over and hour and I have to check, and it's a 2 HOUR episode. There barely is enough info for 30 mins here. The ex-husband is given another polygraph and he passes again. The female cop is shown at lease 30 times, with 10 being repeat statements. Unreal.

Some lawyer gets on and lets us know that it's a circumstantial evidence case, you know, like 95% of all criminal cases. Then continues that he has to prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt. Wow, amazing stuff here.

Then we get 90 minutes in and the female cop says it's her idea to check DNA through family history like the BTK killer was caught. This is nearly 40 years after the murders of the two women in 2020. And after a while they find a match.

So here's where it gets interesting. After getting the name of the DNA match the cops do some actual investigating, and look at other suspects beside the ex. And - You can not make this up - the guy is in the same newspaper, same page, side by side to the story of the murders. His story is how he was rescued with a gash to his head on a snow covered pass, some 20 or something miles from the murder scene. So keystone cops in full.

There is a 15 minute summary of the trial and quick conviction, followed by a 15 minute ending with victim statements which were sprinkled throughout.

Heavens sakes. How on earth can you stretch this out? Was there no editor available? So many repeated sections and statements, did you even proof read the script?

The only take away from this is that they show gleeful police in interviews from the onset and they think because they caught the killer after 40 years it means hope for all cold cases. No. Incompetent detectives were exposed by extremely poor police work. And this show is aggravating as all heck.
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