One of SVU's top 2.0 episodes
7 October 2023
This episode is far and away among the best SVU episodes of the 2.0 era and competes easily with any of the series' overall top episodes of all time, from all its eras

Aside from Patricia Arquette blowing the roof off the place with one of the best SVU performances ever (where is her Emmy for this?), the episode also benefits greatly from a supporting role by Anne Meara (Ben Stiller's mother for you kids), who was renown for decades for her comedy work with husband Jerry Stiller, but was always a superb dramatic actress.

She is absolutely reverting here as well.

The episode is also one of the rare times when two guest stars are so off-the-chain fantastic all Benson (Mariska Hargity) and cast can do is stand back and allow these treasured people to do their thing.

What an amazing hour of television. 10 stars!
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