The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror II (1991)
Season 3, Episode 7
A trio of treats....
7 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely one if the stronger Treehouse of Horror episodes the Simpsons has given us.

The first story with the monkey paw had some great character gags based off the wishes granted. I particularly enjoyed the writers acknowledging the noticeable heavy marketing of the Simpsons in it's early days with merchandise etc. Including this in the episode just really tickled me the right way, that's self referential humour done right.

The second story with the demonic Bart who can do anything he wishes just by thinking it. Again I enjoy how this actually speaks to the character of Bart and what he could or would do with unlimited power. Bart already has many adults in his life on tender hooks always bracing themselves for his next gag or stunt and this just amped that up even more.

The final story of Homer's brain being transferred into a robot body and still being just as clunky and useless as always is just perfect classic Homer through and through.

This was a very excellent installment in the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror series.
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