The Devil's Plan (2023– )
Great concept, terrible execution
7 October 2023
The concept of strangers competing for a prize by solving puzzles and mind games is pretty interesting and I have always loved reading related mangas. For me The Devil's Plan pales in comparison to other popular works and here is why

1. Game organisation - Some puzzles have a series of rules, which can get a little complex to make sense of how the game is actually working. It would have been 100 times better if they could have shown a simple demo of how every game will play out. Many times even the players were confused as to how the game is working. Even after the competition ends, they don't say what could have been the right strategy (although i don't feel that most of the games had much strategy involved)

2. Puzzle quality - Tbh puzzles were not that complicated and neither had a 'eureka' moment when someone figured something out. They were simple and quite boring (the only complex part was that the rules were not very clear on playing different games)

3. Competitors - I think the wrong group was selected for this competition. Someone is a youtuber, someone is a blogger etc.. Like in one of the episodes there was an extremely simple maths problem to solve (high school maths) but most of them couldn't figure out the right way to do it. I know this kind of variety works well in anime/manga but it's tough to replicate that irl.

In my opinion people who are attracted to drama and can ignore the intellectual-competition aspect to some degree will enjoy this show.
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