Left me wondering what the point was
6 October 2023
A fabulous cast who were quite mesmerising but the film loses its way. The movie starts off very strong, a serial killer is on the loose, Rami Malik plays ambitious Jim Baxter who is on the tail of Jared Letos character, suspect Albert Sparma. Jared Leto brings Albert Sparma to life as a charismatic, clever nemesis who is tying the police up in knots. Denzel Washington comes into it as cop 'Deke' from elsewhere who was responsible for the death of an innocent person.

The movie goes from being the police pursuing a suspect, the investigation, with flashbacks of Deke's past, to Baxter getting het up and suddenly losing it and doing a similar thing to Deke. It was as if the directors had one story going, it was too long so they suddenly cut it off with this ending.

I felt the ending was very frustrating, not what I would consider realistic.
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