As We See It (2022)
Diversity and representation is key
5 October 2023
I really liked this show. I found it charming and wholesome. I think the acting and storyline were well done and the ending gave room for growth. It left me wanting more. I want to know how everyone evolves. Many of the actors, writers and crew members have Autism including three of the show's lead actors, Rick Glassman, Albert Rutecki, and Sue Ann Pien. This is awesome and rare. I'm really disappointed that it was cancelled.

To be transparent, I'm not autistic and I don't know their individual struggles. Some reviewers on here didn't like how stereotypical or not relatable the characters were. Some autistic folks also thought it offensive which to them it may very well be. I however, did find it relatable. I too want to fit in, I have had struggles with love and trying to figure out who I am, I even lost friends and had loved ones with cancer.

What I really loved about a series about autism is that it makes it more into society and more mainstream. While not perfect and with its flaws, I think it's good to learn about others and to learn about similar struggles as well as others struggles that are new to you. But what I found really important is representation on tv. I grew up gay. There was very little representation on TV or movies that I could relate to. I felt alone. Then shows like Ellen and Will & Grace aired, even though they weren't a perfect representation of the community, I felt seen for the first time. I started excepting who I was and so did others.

If we keep criticising and not watching these types of shows because they're stereotypical or not relatable when it comes to social diversity eventually they will cancel them and stop making them. That would be a shame. Do we have to do better? Absoultly! But, there has to be a stepping stone to make better content. LGBTQ representation has gotten much better since Ellen and Will & Grace but, without them we probably wouldn't have evolved as quickly or perhaps at all. Would places like Canada or the USA have passed gay rights bills or gay marriage bills? Who's to say? But I do know that these types of shows gave people a voice and may have changed many people's minds for the better on who gay people are. I know that it changed my old school grandparents and other family members minds.

It's really sad that this was cancelled. I hope in the future, streaming platforms take this into consideration when it comes to minority groups like folks with autism. We all benefit from it.
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