Review of Visions...

Visions... (1972 TV Movie)
A race against time to stop a bolting train of constantly worse calamities
1 October 2023
No matter what you may think of Telly Savalas as a very unpolished police officer without any scruples, here he starts as bad as ever, thinking the man who foresaw a sabotage bombing must have been the brain and person to plant the bomb, and going through all sorts of psychiatric tests with him to get him nailed, until he predicts another bombing which he impossibly could have been involved with. That at last makes Telly Savalas change his mind and start taking the clairvoyant seriously and start using him for the prevention of further bombings, which is not successful, and his lovely girl protests violently against having him used for his powers to help the police, and there is an interesting development here of the policeman's mind. The case is clear and gets constantly clearer, as the hunt for the bomber goes on with the awareness of the importance of every second, which makes this thriller truly exciting. It is well done, well thought up, well directed and ends well in spite of all, but of course it would have been better if Monte Markham had been taken seriously from the beginning. It's the same old story, the more dead serious you are, the less you are taken seriously.
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