The arrogance of Renee
1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How do you rate a series like this? There are no winners and there is no silver lining. Christian Evangelicals homeschool their kids and raise uneducated adults that feel the need to relocate themselves to third world countries and save that nation, all the while indoctrinating even more uneducated people into their religion. Renee had no business serving in a medical position. Period. The extent of any education appears to be simply a high school diploma, a homeschool diploma at that. She is regularly filmed inserting catheters, IV's, instructing actual medical professionals on how to do their job. She documented her unethical and dangerous behavior on a daily basis on her personal blog, leaving no doubt as to the extent of her deadly actions. My issue with Renee is she never took responsibility for dressing up and playing doctor. She lied as easily as she breathes whenever confronted with video footage, or her own writings proving her culpability. Her inability to accept responsibility only reinforces the negative stereotypes directed towards evangelicals and missionaries. Her lawyer later goes on Fox News (of course) to defend her outrageous behavior. Painting her and missionaries as the actual victims when over 100 children died under her care, in her "clinic," is appalling. How dare they imply she is just allowed to do whatever she wants because she's a Christian missionary. But if any news organization will stand by and lie for supposed Christians, Fox News is certainly the place to do so. Her own mother defended her abhorrent actions as well, reinforcing their belief that because they were doing something good, they were entitled to practice medicine with absolutely no medical training. The arrogance is what's most appalling about Renee and her dreadful mother, and if they had pulled that nonsense in America, she'd be in jail and Serving His Children would be bankrupt. Luckily, for her, she pulled her entitled/criminal behavior in a third world nation that isn't willing to close their doors on white missionaries that bring a lot of money and aide into their poor nation.

Side note: If you disagree with how truly uneducated these homeschooled evangelicals are, count how many times they use the word "like" and "basically." Renee also didn't know what the word 'neocolonialism' meant, the irony is not lost on this viewer.

The group that called Renee out and brought worldwide attention to her actions, No White Saviors, were majority Ugandans that employed a white woman from an identical background as Renee. They were a relatively unknown group that latched onto Renee's story and exploited it for clicks, likes and follows. They eventually, after achieving an impressive number of followers and appropriately inciting a world of hate directed at Renee, opened a library and cafe in Uganda. This appears to be something that Ugandans are not desperately in need of, as they are literally starving to death. But once the group opened this library/cafe, they threw away their white American compatriot, which was clearly rooted in vague accusations that were never presented. At this point it is clear the Ugandan people are equally as culpable when it comes to using and exploiting white people from the colonizing nations they regularly disparage and vilify. They are now internet famous, but going after white Americans will only you get you so far. They are not taking their newfound popularity and pivoting to the next Ugandan crisis, which will lead to their eventual collapse.

The only person, and I mean the only one, that really shone in this series was the Ugandan lawyer. A woman who was at the receiving end of the unjust Ugandan male-centric hierarchy worked tirelessly to finish law school and start a pro bono law group. She helped file civil suits for mothers whose children died at the hands of Renee's arrogant and entitled hands. She wasn't fighting for evangelical Christianity or for clicks or likes, she didn't argue for herself or for Uganda. She fought for women that suffered as a result of injustice at the hands of white evangelicals from America that felt they could waltz into a third world nation and play God and Doctor to those in true, desperate need.

Shame on Renee, someone that is so uneducated and arrogant it makes you sick. Shame on her mother for blindly supporting her insanely stupid daughter, shame on the churches that support these overseas missionary trips, shame on the Ugandan government that allowed this to continue, shame on No White Savior for offering only hate and zero ways to solve their countries numerous problems. As I said above, there are no winners here. Uganda is still poor, Christian missionaries are still allowed to send people to third world nations, and Renee is still a free woman that will never be smart enough to realize what she did was wrong.
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