Review of Action!

Mission: Impossible: Action! (1967)
Season 1, Episode 23
1 October 2023
Another great flim flam the master villain episode, well directed by Leonard J. Horn as usual, who soon would handle some top episodes for MANNIX. Horn also directed VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA, and many other classic shows.

There's also a switch in personnel here as Cinnamon (Barbara Bain) apparently is chosen to lead the IMF team, at least temporarily. First off, instead of Briggs reviewing the opening secret tape recording, Cinnamon is taking mental notes.

In actuality, actor Steven Hill was not assigned this episode, and you may have noticed that his appearances were smaller in later episodes due to the fact that his religious beliefs did not allow him to work after sunset.

This posed a big problem for production at Paramount, and eventually lead to him being replaced by Peter Graves in the second season. The BIG question about all of this is... didn't anyone ask if he was able to work nights? Simple Simon. Generally, full job descriptions are laid out in any type of job, especially Hollywood where actors are subjected to long hours. This was a much talked about impasse back in the day, pro and con, and even the fate of the series was debated for awhile.

Not to stop the momentum though, the show goes on, and Cinnamon and the IMF team enter a Communist country's film studio, for a change of pace, headed by ruthless JD Cannon (as Miklos). Miklos wants to get the US in hot political water by filming a rigged documentary which shows American troops gunning down peasants. The MISSION is to cleverly turn the cameras on Miklos. And wait for the ending!

As many reviewers have commented, it's classic stuff to see the expression on every bad guy's face when he GETS IT! Miklos is no exception in this case, who believes he's got the US over a barrel.

JD Cannon is perfectly cast in this over the top role, best known as the cigar chomping, short tempered police captain (who we all loved to hate!) on MCCLOUD. Cannon, whose first name was John) was especially good in shifty roles, making many appearances on ALIAS SMITH AND JONES and in a standout performance in COOL HAND LUKE, starring Steve McQueen.

One thing to watch; the wires in the pipe routine, which would become a staple in the series. Tech guys Greg Morris and Peter Lupus would generally have the task to take apart and re-insirt various kind of wires into long pipes, always a fun watch, especially if they were racing the clock.

Additionally, watch for the secret tap on the radiator gag, this to alert someone standing by. Again, another trick (an an old one) used by the team in stories ahead.

Recommended, and especially for Barbara Bain fans. From SEASON 1 remastered dvd box set.
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