Body Count higher than Rambo Movies!
1 October 2023
Another Netflix bait-and-switch. The preview picture has her touching a chicken and the description leads you to believe this will be a small town funny crime solver involving wacky scenarios with animals.

Instead, you get a dark, disturbing, not funny at all, horror/murder crime spree movie that is only stretchable to 16 episodes because of the ineptitude of the characters...and the unbelievably stupid situations the writers place the town in.

1. In a country where ONE murder makes national headlines, TWO would be a call for mobilization. THREE and you'd have the Army on the streets. NINE?... you get women walking home alone at night, no enhanced or increased CCTV, and nary an additional policeman in sight, let alone the military.

2. Characters that see more death than soldiers in war who get PTSD, and are often chased by the killer, yet a day later they are fully functional and back to their old self.

3. A culprit that could be seen a mile away (even before the abysmal 15th episode) so the writers go through stupid and thinly veiled attempts to try and place blame on others. Only a simpleton couldn't see the end.

4. Criminals dictating the "rules" to the police while in custody. A trope so overused that you take a bathroom break once the inevitable interrogation room monologue starts...because you know already what will go down.

5. Evidence? Schmevidence! We can't have any for the entire show, it would be inconvenient. Only to have a convenient audio recording wrap it all up neatly. Lazy lazy LAZY writing.

6. And I said it before, but it bears repeating... characters who wander around and go about their merry lives even though close to double digit murders have occurred in a few months.

Truly an awful setup and execution to a show people will watch thinking it is a veterinarian version of Nancy Drew.

Instead...they get Saw.
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