The Wheel of Time: Daes Dae'Mar (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
Mat Gets the Best Line of the Series !!
29 September 2023
"Is this a sex thing or a murder thing? Cause either way, I'd prefer you skip the talking." When I heard Mat say this, I busted out laughing. GREAT script writing. The screenwriters truly need to be heralded. Just think what they need to accomplish: 14 books which cover approximately 2 1/2 years and the writers are trying to compact it all into what? Three, Four seasons? We'll be lucky to get five seasons in the current TV series landscape and so far, the writers have delivered in spades. Yes, the series has been restructured to accommodate the medium's time frame and they have successfully pushed the plot line forward along a path that faithfully follows the essence of the book while condensing (and rewriting) plot lines to reveal a true "Wheel of Time" world. I am MORE than happy with this series. I especially love the addition of Moraine's background and her sister, Anvaere Damodred (Lindsay Duncan) is a bonus which I didn't know I needed. One more episode to go. And I'm still wondering of the Horn of Valere will come into play with a big battle .... hopefully so. The big question is: Who will blow the Horn?
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