28 September 2023
This is what you call a "family episode," because of all the ties to Hitchcock. Robert C. Dennis wrote 30 episodes for Hitch, and some were true classics. One thing, he always sparked your interest--- and how can you go wrong with a story about a missing dead body?

Such is the predicament for a young traveling couple (George Peppard and Mary Scott) who cross the border to Mexico, along with their complaining aunt (well played by veteran Isobel Elsom). In typical Hitchcock fashion, the old lady actually changes her tune and begins to like the trip and drops dead! Isn't that always the way?

Evan (Peppard) and Janet (Scott) hastily cover up her body, take a short break to wonder what to do next, only to find her missing? Enter sly, conniving, devious but extremely courteous and resourceful(?) public official Peter Lorre (outstanding, as usual), who patiently listens to their story and attempts to "assist" the couple with their dilemma.

What more can you ask for?

This is terrific entertainment, and mostly for Peter Lorre, who was an actor's actor. Lorre was enormously popular, and at the time this episode was filmed he co-starred in such film classics as SILK STOCKINGS, THE BUSTER KEATON STORY and THE SAD SACK opposite Jerry Lewis. In later years, Lorre seemed to pass on menacing characters and began playing funny, quirky roles to perfection. He also was making lots of money, and honored that casting directors did not forget him. Lorre was an old friend of Hitchcock as was Mary Scott, who was married to Sir Cedric Hardwick, also a friend of the master of suspense.

Although she has a small role, Isobel Elsom was not forgotten by Hitchcock either. She appeared in one of his movies, THE PARADINE CASE (1947), and at the time had one of the longest acting careers, dating back to silent films.

One big happy family here, and what a way to go!

A MUST SEE for completists.

SEASON 3 remastered Universal dvd box set. 2007.
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