The Walking Dead: New Best Friends (2017)
Season 7, Episode 10
Why Waste Time Say Lot Word When Few Word Do Trick?
27 September 2023
This episode and this group of survivors are just so goofy. It's actually kinda fun. They speak like Kevin from The Office when he tries to save time by using less words. They dont explain why either. It's just funny and i kinda love it in a fun-bad b-movie way.

The stuff in The Kingdom is alright. A lot of talking about what to do, rather than doing anything at all. Not really interesting but not a trainwreck either. Pretty on par with the season.

All in all the episode is goofy and a bit dull, like a lot of this season, but it's okay. Not the worst but nothing to get excited about. Not gravy, but not mashed potatoes either.
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